educational program funding

Our Foundation provides educational and leadership programming for women of all ages. With your help, we can power the lifelong learning programs that give our members opportunities to realize their dreams.

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Allowing Sisters to Support Sisters


The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation

The seeds for starting the Kappa Foundation were planted long before it was incorporated as an official entity in 1990. The Loyalty Fund began in 1976 as a way for Kappas to contribute to the General Operating Fund of the Fraternity. In 1988, the Adelphe Campaign was announced at Convention as a way to establish permanent funding for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. The goal was to raise funds for an endowment by 1990.


Career Academy: A Step Forward


When we think of 2020–21, the word that comes to mind is unprecedented. While we all experienced things we never could have anticipated, we also adapted in amazing ways that deserve to be recognized. 


educational programs

Learn more about our member education and participate in online trainining, webinars and in-person training events.

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