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Kappa is made up of unique and diverse members and, together, we empower each other, inspire change and foster friendship.

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Leadership Consultants: FAQ


This bold group of women are inspiring change and helping to shape the future of Kappa, starting at the chapter level. The impact they make on our members is truly something special. They help undergraduate Kappas with mentorship, leadership training, and more.


Allowing Sisters to Support Sisters


The Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation

The seeds for starting the Kappa Foundation were planted long before it was incorporated as an official entity in 1990. The Loyalty Fund began in 1976 as a way for Kappas to contribute to the General Operating Fund of the Fraternity. In 1988, the Adelphe Campaign was announced at Convention as a way to establish permanent funding for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation. The goal was to raise funds for an endowment by 1990.



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