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Extension, Chapter News

Being a charter member is a unique Kappa experience


Being a charter member at a new chapter is a huge responsibility, but is also an amazing opportunity to learn. Because we are the first Kappas at our university, learning to live Kappa’s ritual is especially important so that we build a solid foundation for our chapter.

Using Kappa’s symbols is a great way to express our values and our ritual. I realized our symbols matched my values when I researched each of their meanings. They all revolve around being true and loyal.

To me, loyalty means dedicating time to my education, to support my sisters in good times and through the tough times, and being honest in finding my passions and then staying committed to doing what I love.

Kappa emphasizes being a true woman through our symbols: the golden key, the owl and the fleur-de-lis. As a charter member of Eta Sigma, Chapman, I hope the values these symbols encompass will continue to be instilled in our chapter, as well as the other Kappa chapters across our continent.

Though as charter members we may feel pressure to start well, there is a lot of opportunity to exert ourselves as leaders and sisters and outwardly display the meaning of our symbols.

The experience of being a charter member makes our connections with our charter class and chapter so sacred. One of the most special experiences so far was the day of Installation. To all new members—if you can spend time with your sisters right after Initiation, do it! It’s the best time to get to know your new sisters better. It propelled me into a comfort zone with these amazing women.

During Installation weekend and the days that followed, friends, acquaintances and even complete strangers welcomed me into the Greek-letter community. People went out of their way to Facebook, text, call, and especially hug and congratulate us. It was nice knowing that there is a community of people living their ritual every day and helping us to live ours. The realization is life changing!

By Julianne Shearer, Chapman charter member



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