the key magazine

The Key is the official publication of Kappa Kappa Gamma. It includes news, updates, and stories about our members, chapters and the Kappa Kappa Gamma sisterhood as a whole.

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The Key Current Magazine
about the key

The Key to All Things Kappa Kappa Gamma

As the first college women’s fraternity magazine and the official publication of Kappa Kappa Gamma, The Key magazine has been in continuous existence since 1882.

The mission of The Key is to foster lifelong connectivity among members. It endeavors to be a mirror of our world and a reflection of our times. In so doing, it presents a wide range of topics and stories, from educational to entertaining, from provocative to traditional, and from amusing to serious.

In each issue, The Key seeks to engage in a smart and relevant dialogue that makes it essential to the world of its readers.

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   How to Receive The Key
  • For Collegians

    During the academic year each chapter receives a copy of The Key. A copy is also mailed to your permanent address on file. After graduation, update your contact information with Kappa to continue receiving the magazine.

  • For Alumnae

    The Key is sent to all Kappa members at their preferred address. If you are not receiving your copy of The Key, update your profile after logging in to the member page.

  • For Parents and Guardians

    Your Kappa's copy of the The Key is sent to your address. If your Kappa is no longer in college, or not living at home please send new contact information.