educational program funding

Our Foundation provides educational and leadership programming for women of all ages. With your help, we can power the lifelong learning programs that give our members opportunities to realize their dreams.

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The Story of Rose McGill

5/31/2021 - Toronto - Beta Psi -

Since 1922, Kappa has been there for members experiencing financial distress. The Foundation’s grant program began when Rose McGill, Toronto, contracted tuberculosis. Her ties to Kappa remained strong and when she became ill, her Kappa sisters were there to help. Rose, an orphan, was provided for financially through the establishment of the Rose McGill fund. After her death in 1927 the Rose McGill Fund continued, and, thanks to the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation, helps members in need of emergency financial assistance to this day.

Today, the program gives confidential grants to Kappas in unexpected times of financial need. Read about how the Rose McGill legacy continues to support our members today.


Kappa Kappa Gamma paves way for member accessibility to mental health care


DUBLIN, Ohio (May 27, 2021) — Kappa Kappa Gamma is dedicated to becoming a powerful advocate for mental health and well-being. During Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re pleased to announce a partnership with Talkspace, an online platform that makes it convenient to access mental health resources and paves the way for accessible mental health care.


educational programs

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